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برنامه درسی دوره فرعی زبان انگلیسی

The Minor in English Language Sharif University of Technology

The Language Center at Sharif University of Technology welcomes students majoring in other programs who would like to complement their studies, and enrich their cultural lives, by taking a Minor in English. Such crossing of disciplines makes even more sense today because the field of English studies, like many other humanities fields, has in recent decades actively fostered relations with the arts, social sciences, and science & technology.

This program is designed for those students who wish to enhance their Major programs with the benefits of an intensive study of the English language and literature, including a better understanding and appreciation of literature in English and improvement in critical thinking, reading and writing skills. Although most students may not realize it, English is one of the most practical courses of study at the university. A Minor in English indicates not only that the student has an interest in the world of ideas, but also that s/he has abilities that are valued in the professional fields. Writing proficiency, problem-solving, and organizational and communication skills are fully developed in our literature classes.

Reading literature gives the student the opportunity to enter the minds of great writers in order to gain ideas and insights from them. The student learns to analyze a variety of situations from a wide range of perspectives. This understanding of diverse outlooks aids one in finding equitable solutions to everyday problems. Since most of our English classes are centered in discussion, the student becomes confident as a speaker. After discussion of the literature in class, the student presents his/her written interpretation and argument. Sophisticated critical thinking and written and oral communication skills insure versatility in any profession. In our fast-paced and complex world, literature is the «still point»; it reflects, embodies, and serves as a disseminator of knowledge. Students familiar with literature are better able to understand themselves and their world.

Why should I Minor in English? The English Minor is a very smart choice, and it can also enhance your career opportunities by helping you improve your communication skills. Since employers in every field are looking for graduates with competent communication skills, you will have an advantage in the competition!

What are the requirements for a regular Minor in English?

لیست دروس دوره فرعی (Minor) رشته زبان انگلیسی - مرکز زبان‌های خارجی

ردیف شماره درس Course Name نام درس نوع درس پیشنیاز
مقطع واحد
۱ ۳۱۱۲۳ General English زبان همگانی اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳
۲ ۳۱۱۰۲ Reading Comprehension خواندن و درک مفاهیم اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳
۳ ۳۱۱۰۳ Grammar & Writing دستور و نگارش اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳
۴ ۳۱۱۰۴ Listening & Speaking گفت و شنود اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳
۵ ۳۱۱۰۵ Advanced Writing نگارش پیشرفته اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳
۶ ۳۱۱۰۶ Journalistic Text Reading خواندن متون مطبوعاتی اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳
۷ ۳۱۱۰۷ Letter Writing نامه نگاری اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳
۸ ۳۱۱۰۸ Short Story داستان کوتاه اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳
۹ ۳۱۱۰۹ English Poetry شعر ساده اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳
۱۰ ۳۱۱۱۰ Topical Poetry مکالمه موضوعی اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳
۱۱ ۳۱۱۱۳ Essay Writing مقاله نویسی اجباری ۳۱۱۲۳ کارشناسی ۳